A contestant should register as an individual to compete. You can also apply to compete as a team up to 4 members. A qualified contestant must be at least 16 year old at the time of the registration and currently enrolled in a college or a school. All contestants should agree all the General Terms and Conditions of the site and the CONTEST.
Trading Rules
Diversify your portfolio by investing as least 5 stocks/ETFs during the Contest time period from the Pre-selected Investment Pool, which is listed at the bottom of this page. Using Leverage, Short Selling, Pre-market and After-market trading are all not encouraged, though allowed.
Final Application
A candidate/team should submit an application to 2021gic@gmail.com no later than Nov 7th, 2021 for the Final Competition, which is scheduled on December 3-5, 2021 (Online & Offline). Please download the application template below. Feel free to change or add slides and provide extra supporting documents.
Final Competition
The finalists will present to the Judging Committee about their portfolio performance, investment thesis, trading strategy, and portfolio risk management. The Judging Committee will evaluate and assign a score up to 100 points to each of the following 3 categories: A ) Investment Strategy, B) Allocation and Securities Selection, and C) Portfolio Risk Management. The final score is calculated as the following: The Final Score = 30% * Score A + 30% * Score B + 30% * Score C + 10% * Portfolio Return. Contests Awards will be granted based on the Final Score ranking.
Nomination Process
The Contest Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating qualified finalists candidates to the Final Competition. Depends on the quality of the applicants, the Committee will recommend no more than 30 finalists/Teams in general. Portfolio return is one of the many factors considered by the Nominating Committee. THE CONTESTANT WITH THE HIGHEST PORTFOLIO ENDING MARKET VALUE IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE NOMINATED OR TO WIN. All contestants should strictly follow the GIC Rules and instructions, and the terms and rules are subject to change without notice.
Pre-selected Investment Pool ( White List - 100 stocks & 7 ETFs)